As this is the first post and we are already 10 weeks, 2 days into the pregnancy, we've got some catching up to do.
The story starts on January 4th when we found out. Courtney had been a little sick over the previous days and we thought that maybe she was coming down with the sickness that had hit the California Carters over Christmas break. After a few days we thought that she should probably go to the doctor's office because she kept feeling tired, crampy, and nauseous. Just to make sure it wasn't the fact that she was pregnant she took a pregnancy test. WHOA! That was a surprise. Isn't birth control supposed to be almost 100% effective?? Almost being the operative word in that sentence.
So we scheduled a doctor's appointment and began to accept the fact that God threw us a curve ball and, ready or not, we were going to be parents!
Over the past few weeks we have gone from "Holy Crap" moments to "This is going to be awesome!". I already bought some Chiefs gear for the child (boy or girl, I don't care... they are going to be a Chiefs fan!). This child already has a Chiefs jersey onesie, a Chiefs T-shirt, and before long its very own jersey. Daddy is getting excited... can you tell?
Courtney has had the roughest ride of it. She has gone from CRAZY cravings for things such as: cheese, cheese, cheese, crab legs, meat, Vejars and You-be's Pizza (restaurants back home), hamburgers, etc. But once she has those things she has aversions to them... literally thinking about them makes her want to puke. She has dealt with nausea, vomiting (rare but happens), and sore limbs. But she is toughing through all of these things and is getting really excited as well.
To end this post I will post the pictures that we have been taking. We want to chart the growth of Courtney so we have been taking pictures every Saturday. We took the first at 7 weeks, 1 day and the last was today at 10 weeks, 2 days. Check them out to see how she has progressed!
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