Saturday, October 20, 2007

What a night!

Hey Gang,

If you haven't been to the site for awhile check out the new pics below. I wanted to update you all about what happened last night.

Every night we go through the same ritual... we give the stinker a bath followed by a clean diaper and feeding. Lots of times she starts to look sleepy in the bath (oh, and if I haven't said it, she LOVES baths above all things), and most of the time she falls asleep breast feeding. At that point I pick her up and swaddle her... which usually wakes her up a little bit so that I have to put her back to sleep (which isn't hard at that point). All I do is walk into the bedroom and turn on some classical music and kind of sway with her in my arms and she is out. I lay her down in her bouncer which is sitting in the pack and play and she sleeps. All this takes place at around 10 at night and most nights she sleeps till 5 or so.

Last night we did the usually routine and put her to bed at around 10:30. We went to sleep after midnight sometime. She didn't make a peep until 6:30 and then all she wanted was milk. So mama fed her and laid her down on the pillow between us and she fell back asleep till about 10:30 when she needed a diaper change and we decided to get up! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? ALMOST 12 STRAIGHT HOURS OF SLEEP! Who says that you can't get a good night sleep with a baby?! Ha!

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