Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Update on Life!!!

Hey Gang,

Long time no talk and there is so much to update you on. As many of you know Courtney and I have been praying about the future and what we are going to do in two months when we are free from Wyoming. We were not sure what to do because we were not sure what I was going to be doing as far as a job. I applied for two RD positions just to keep my options open and we figured that if doing the RD thing was what God wanted then He would make it happen.

I applied to Pepperdine University and did a phone interview but was not asked to come for an on campus interview. I also applied to Fresno Pacific University and flew out for an on campus interview but they offered the position to someone else. So it was very clear that God was closing those doors and He will open new ones. So that ends my career as a Resident Director as this is the first and last RD job that I will experience in my life. As of June 14th or sooner I will be moving on to a different career. As far as what that is going to be is yet to be determined but I have my eye set on a county job in Tulare that would take way too much time to describe so if you really want to know then call me. So now is the struggle to stay in the game here at NWC and not emotionally detach myself before I should. I need to finish the race and that remains my challenge.

Now as far as Courtney goes... she has two interviews in California next week on Friday and so is going to be flying out and staying until Sunday. The positions are at Tulare District Hospital and Kaweah Delta Hospital and they are looking VERY promising. So that should solve the problem of getting Courtney a job. Plus, Courtney and Maddie are going to be flying away for good on May 13th so look for them to be in Tulare at that point. 

That being said, we are also in the market for a house. We are planning to buy our first home as soon as possible and so we would appreciate prayer as far as that goes because it is already pretty stressful. So that is the big deal in our lives.

As far as Maddie goes... I'll let the pictures and the videos do most of the talking. Needless to say she is crawling pretty well and has no problem sitting up on her own and then going from sitting to the crawling position. She loves hanging out on the bed and getting into as much trouble as humanly possible. She still loves people and smiles and laughs all the time. She is eating a ton of solid food and supplementing that with nursing. Her poop is very solid at this point and very stinky and she grunts when she poops which makes mom and dad laugh. She also talks to us in her own way with small shrieks and by blowing raspberries. She is amazing... now here ya go!


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Anonymous said...

Dog poll


Chinese Crested Hairless

They need love too.
