Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ding, Ding... ROUND TWO

Well, if you haven't already heard the news... Courtney is pregnant!!!

Here is how it all went down. About two months ago Courtney and I started talking about when we wanted to start trying for another baby (as we wanted Maddie and the next one to be somewhere in the 2-3 year range) and Courtney decided that she would stop taking her birth control. The idea was to re-assess the situation once she got her period back. The thing is that when a woman is nursing it is very rare for her to ovulate (one of nature's quirky little things) but not unheard of.

Well, knowing us and our history of bucking the odds (e.g. Maddie), within two months Courtney found out that she was pregnant. We went to the doctor's office and it was confirmed (I would have an ultrasound pic uploaded but can't make the printer scan it to my Mac... I'll work on that).

So that is the big news! Stay tuned because we will be updating the blog in the near future with pics and video from Maddie's first birthday!!!

Maddie's Shirt says "Big Sisters Rock"


Anonymous said...

Wasn't sure if I wanted to read any more after " here is how it all went down".


Jacque Carter said...

check your sister's blog and become a follower