Monday, February 2, 2009

Mischief Making

So here are some pictures to give you all insight into what it means to have an overactive, curious to a fault, completely orally fixated, and brilliant 17 month old. Maddie is obsessed with cosmetics and toiletries. Her favorite room in the house is the master bathroom... it is like a treasure trove of trouble. She has a tendency to sneak in there when we are in the other room and will go digging under the sink for ill gotten goods. Whether it is makeup, toilet paper, makeup brushes, combs, cotton swabs, toothpaste, baby rash ointment... it matters not, it is going to end up in her hands and if it ends up in her hands then it is in her mouth next.

She has a particular love for the taste of A&D ointment, Lotion, and liquid soap. I don't know why but she loves to eat those things. Check below for proof of the crimes...

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